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PTE Listening - Retell Lecture Practice Questions - Audio with Transcript

You will hear a lecture. After listening to the lecture, in 10 seconds, please speak into the microphone and retell what you have just heard from the lecture in your own words. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.

PTE Listening - Retell Lecture Practice Questions - Audio with Transcript

ITEM 01: PTE Retell Lecture - The Pigeonhole Principle


In mathematics, the pigeonhole principle states that if n items are put into m containers, with n > m > 0, then at least one container must contain more than one item. This theorem is exemplified in real life by truisms like "there must be at least two left gloves or two right gloves in a group of three gloves". It is an example of a counting argument, and despite seeming intuitive it can be used to demonstrate possibly unexpected results; for example, that two people in London have the same number of hairs on their heads.

The first formalization of the idea is believed to have been made by Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet in 1834 under the name Schubfachprinzip ("drawer principle" or "shelf principle").

ITEM 02: PTE Retell Lecture - The Infinite Monkey Theorem


The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In fact the monkey would almost surely type every possible finite text an infinite number of times. However, the probability that monkeys filling the observable universe would type a complete work such as Shakespeare's Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring during a period of time hundreds of thousands of orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe is extremely low (but technically not zero).

In this context, "almost surely" is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the "monkey" is not an actual monkey, but a metaphor for an abstract device that produces an endless random sequence of letters and symbols.

ITEM 03: PTE Retell Lecture - Space Vehicles


One day the human basket-fillers will be joined by robots equipped with compliant, human-like grippers (Ocado is involved with the EU’s SoMa project), and some of the vans may be replaced with autonomous delivery vehicles, and all of these robots will be tended to by humanoid SecondHands robots that wander the CFC floor looking for machines in need of maintenance… but we’re not quite there yet.

For now, the focus is on building a hive of thousands of custom-built robots that bring products to the humans, optimising their behaviour, and reliably communicating with them so that they don’t have another Rogue Robot Situation on their hands.

ITEM 04: PTE Retell Lecture - Vitamin D Supplement


The Department of Health recommends that:

  • breastfed babies from birth to one year of age should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5-10mcg of vitamin D to make sure they get enough
  • formula-fed babies shouldn't be given a vitamin D supplement until they're having less than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day, as infant formula is fortified with vitamin D
  • children aged 1-4 years old should be given a daily supplement containing 10mcg of vitamin D

ITEM 05: PTE Retell Lecture - Eardrum


It is quite common that children are found with fluid behind eardrum, adults though seldom diagnosed with the same symptom, it sometimes does occur. Fluid behind eardrum, known medically as otitis media with effusion (OME), is the accumulation of fluid, often in the middle of the ear, with no sign or other symptoms of an ear infection. This can occur in one or both ears, and can sometimes last for prolonged periods of time, although this is more often the case in adults than in children. This condition can be associated with a feeling of discomfort within the ear, or a feeling of fullness. In some cases, moderate to severe hearing loss can occur. On most occasions, the condition will self-resolve after around 12 weeks, meaning no significant intervention will be required.

ITEM 06: PTE Retll Lecture - New Job Opportunities


During World War II, new job opportunities were available for women. While men were off fighting in the war, women were needed to work at jobs previously considered “men’s work.” Women completed the work out of patriotism, to support their families, and to distract them from their worries about the men who were fighting. The new jobs helped promote feelings of independence and self-confidence among women. Rosie the Riveter was a fictional character created by the federal government during World War II in order to encourage women to join the workforce.

ITEM 07: PTE Retell Lecture - Polio


Today perhaps your only association with the word 'polio' is the Sabin Oral Vaccine that protects children from the disease. Fifty five years ago this was not so. The dreaded disease, which mainly affects the brain ans spinal cord, causing stiffening and weakening of muscles, crippling and paralysis - which is Why I am in a wheelchair today. If somebody had predicted, when I was born, that this would happen to me, no one would have believed it. I was seventh child in a family of four pairs of brothers and sisters, with huge 23 year gap between the first and last. I was so fair and brown haired that I looked more look like a foreigner than a Dawood Bohri. I was also considered to be the healthiest of the brood.

ITEM 08: PTE Retell Lecture - Ocean


Just by looking at images of Earth from space, it’s clear that the ocean is a significant piece of the Earth’s story. In fact, the ocean represents over 70% of the Earth’s surface and contains 97% of all water on Earth. The ocean stores heat like a “fly wheel” for climate. Its huge capacity as a heat and water reservoir moderates the climate of Earth. Within this Earth system, both the physical and biological processes of the ocean play a key role in the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and climate variability. Even if you live nowhere near the ocean, you will still experience the ocean’s influence in our Earth system. Most of the rain that falls on land comes from the tropical ocean. The ocean is the primary driver of weather and climate and can give us clues to global phenomenon such as El NiƱo.

ITEM 09: PTE Retell Lecture - The Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution radically changed how people lived—and not always for the better. New, mechanized factories reduced the men and women who labored in them to the level of human cogs in a machine. Workers who had once owned their own shops or were otherwise independent found themselves reduced to the position of “wage laborers.” Some workers complained that the new machinery rendered useless the skills that enabled them to make a good living. Others criticized the long work hours. In some industries, 12 or more hours per day were standard. In addition, wages were often very low, hardly enough on which to live.

ITEM 10: PTE Retell Lecture - Energy Consumption


Did you know that the typical U.S. family spends about $1,900 a year on home utility bills? Unfortunately, a large portion of that energy is wasted. And each year, electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars. And as for the road, transportation accounts for 67% of all U.S. oil consumption. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to save energy and money at home and in your car. Start making small changes today. Energy-efficient improvements not only make your home more comfortable, they can yield long-term financial rewards. Reduced utility bills more than make up for the higher price of energy-efficient
appliances and improvements over their lifetimes.

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